February's New Moon in Aquarius is Full of Surpises

Stay flexible and expect the unexpected.
What better way to begin a new month than with a New Moon?
Our second New Moon of the year takes place on February 1st in the sign of Aquarius, and it will allow us to set new intentions geared toward creating a new and better future.
Aquarius is a sign of innovation, invention, rebellious thinking, and breaking the mold. Ruled by Saturn (traditionally) and Uranus (modernly), Aquarius is about forming new structures that are anything but conventional.
Speaking of Uranus, this New Moon puts Uranus front and center, and you know what that means...surprises and unexpected changes.
Here's everything you need to know about this New Moon.
The Astrology
New Moons
Astrologically speaking, New Moons are when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, meaning that the Sun and Moon occupy the same space in the sky.
When this happens, the energies of both luminaries mix together. The Sun represents our ego and conscious mind, and the Moon represents our emotions and subconscious. During the New Moon phase, we typically experience a time of complete awareness of our entire selves, inside and out.
The New Moon signifies the beginning of the lunar cycle; seeds are planted, and intentions are set. The slate is wiped clean, and so are we.
Uranus Makes Things Uncomfortable
If this New Moon brings up feelings of uneasiness or anxiety, you have Uranus to blame. The planet of sudden shifts and surprises will be square to the New Moon, making things generally a bit uncomfortable.
That feeling of anxiety may be due, in part, to the fact that inherent in every new beginning is an ending. In relation to the New Moon, Uranus is likely shaking up things that you've held near and dear and that you've come to rely on.
With Uranus in Taurus, don't be surprised if physical items break or get lost. The loss of these items will spark you to think of a new replacement, perhaps an updated version. Being innovative and inventive is the Aquarius way.
Venus Trine Uranus Brings Pleasant Surprises
One of the benefits of this New Moon is the harmonious trine between Venus and Uranus. This aspect allows the Universe to surprise you concerning love and money.
Venus recently went direct, so things in the love department can move forward.
With Uranus in the mix as well, pleasant surprises await you. Perhaps some unexpected money comes your way, or a love interest buys you a gift "just because." The possibilities are endless.
This pleasant surprise may be just the spark you need to set some new intentions geared toward the future.
New Moon for the Signs
Dream big this New Moon, as it's going down in your 11th house of ambitions, goals, and friendship. Set intentions to manifest what your heart truly desires; don't be afraid to wish upon a star. Unexpected help may come from a friend or associate; be receptive.
This New Moon provides fertile soil for your career manifestations. Looking to move up the corporate ladder or expand your business? This will be the New Moon to set those intentions. Keep an open mind; don't rely on what you already know.
Allow this New Moon to set the stage for new adventures. Plan a trip to an exotic location, register for some courses, or delve into your spirituality; this New Moon gives you the energy to do all of this and more. Tap into your higher self; you'll be surprised at what you learn.
Intimacy and transformation are the keywords for this New Moon. Now's the time to eliminate bad habits and heal emotional wounds so you can rise like a phoenix from the ashes. A partnership may pleasantly surprise you; set intentions to achieve more intimacy.
Now's the perfect time to set intentions related to partnership and commitment (especially now that Venus is direct). Think of your ideal relationship and make it happen. You may be surprised to find the love of your life at work; stay open to the possibilities.
This New Moon sets the stage for getting more organized, efficient, and healthy...which is right up your alley. Set intentions for new work projects or health regimens; they will come to fruition in the coming months. Let down your hair for a bit and have some fun; a pleasant surprise awaits you.
Fun, creativity, and children are the subject matter of this New Moon. The energy is ripe for creating something new that your heart truly desires. Think outside the box. Things at home may surprise you in a good way. Allow a family member to offer support.
If you're looking to establish roots, this is the New Moon for you. Set intentions to purchase a home, change locations, or connect with your lineage. Your intuition will be lit, so don't ignore it. A sibling or neighbor might offer assistance on a long-term basis; keep your eyes and ears open.
This New Moon sets the stage for you to be busy as a bee in the coming months. Plant seeds concerning business transactions, learning a new skill, or being active in your neighborhood; by mid-year, you'll be doing all the things. Consider taking a short trip; it might just spark your imagination.
I love this New Moon for you! Use the energy to set some new money goals. Work on investment projects and see how you can make the most from your current assets. Don't be surprised if people flock to you like moths to a flame; your magnetism has them under a spell right now.
This New Moon is all about you, baby! This is the best time to change your body and appearance; let your uniqueness shine through. Set personal intentions so you can manifest the life you've always wanted. Don't limit yourself; break the mold and allow your wildest dreams to come alive.
You'll want to rest up and recharge your batteries this New Moon. Take some quiet time to think about the past while simultaneously preparing for the future. Your season is fastly approaching, and you'll want to hit the ground running when it arrives. Sleep, dream, and fantasize.