June 2022 Monthly Horoscopes

Enter the light.
June is a welcome break from the intensity of the last couple of months.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, June marks the beginning of summer and the summer solstice. With more daylight hours, we are urged to open up and let our own inner lights shine bright like the Sun.
Two planets will be changing signs, and three planets will be changing directions. Thankfully, these energy shifts aren't too intense.
Let's take a deep dive into June's astrology.
The Breakdown
- Mercury stations direct - June 3rd
- Saturn goes retrograde - June 4th
- Mercury enters Gemini - June 13th
- Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 14th
- Sun enters Cancer - June 21st
- Venus enters Gemini - June 22nd
- New Moon in Cancer - June 28th
- Neptune goes retrograde - June 28th
The month begins with Mercury stationing direct on June 3rd. After having been retrograde since May 10th, Mercury will finally move forward, and we can resume our everyday activities relatively mishap-free. With Mercury going direct in Taurus, we can communicate effectively on issues concerning money and building things of value.
On June 4th, Saturn will go retrograde in Aquarius. This transit makes it challenging to advance into the future, but it's important to remember that sometimes we need to take a step back to propel ourselves forward. From now until October, we're being urged to revisit some of the life lessons we didn't previously learn.
Mercury - ever the busy bee - makes its way back into its home sign of Gemini on June 13th. While in Gemini, Mercury has our mental activities firing on all cylinders and our communications plentiful. The next couple of weeks may be busy with socializing and business transactions.
On June 14th, the Full Moon will be in Sagittarius and will illuminate where we need more adventure in our lives. Emotional fulfillment can be found in expanding your mind, broadening your horizons, and stepping out on faith.
Summer officially begins on June 21st, with the Sun moving into Cancer. This coincides with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The following month will be about fun in the Sun and spending time with those closest to us.
On June 22nd, Venus, the planet of money and love, moves into mercurial Gemini. In this sign, Venus is curious, social, and intellectually stimulating. Don't be surprised if your social life and everyday interactions ramp up over the next few weeks.
The New Moon in Cancer, happening on June 28th, provides the fertile soil in which we can plant seeds that we'll nurture and protect. With the Moon in its home sign, it's those things that we're incredibly emotional about that we'll want to manifest.
Finally, we close out the month with Neptune, the planet of fantasy and illusion, going retrograde in Pisces on June 28th. This retrograde period, which lasts until December, allows us to see the harsh realities of life and humanity. While this may be a bit uncomfortable, a dose of reality is usually necessary to effect real change.
Horoscopes by Sign
This month shines a spotlight on your immediate environment, home, and family. Expect a lot of activity on those fronts. Communication will ramp up in a MAJOR way, so get ready. Saturn retrograde allows you to revisit lessons related to loyalty, trust, and honesty in friendships. Expect to expand your mind at the Full Moon in Sagittarius. At the New Moon, plant seeds related to your private life and tend to them over the next few months. Neptune retrograde allows you to see yourself and your soul in a whole new light.
Money, business, the things you value, and your immediate environment are highlighted this month. Take the time to evaluate who and what are valuable to you. Saturn retrograde brings issues and lessons surrounding your career and life purpose back around; what have you learned? The Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights intimacy, shared resources, and transformation; to obtain the change you seek, you'll need to look at the bigger picture. At the New Moon, you'll want to socialize and put yourself out there; what you have to say and teach may be healing to many. Neptune retrograde sheds light on your friendships and goals; it's time to get real.
Happy Birthday, Gemini!
This month, it's all about you, your looks, and what's important to you. It's the beginning of your personal new year, so make the most of it. Saturn retrograde brings lessons from the School of Hard Knocks back around. Hopefully, your coursework won't be too challenging. The Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights your most important relationships and commitments. At the New Moon, plant seeds concerning money; if you nurture them, money trees will surely grow. Finally, Neptune retrograde shows you the reality of your career and vocation.
Happy Birthday, Cancer!
While the month starts out on a quiet note, come the 21st, it's time to turn up, celebrate, and focus on you. Socialize, focus on your looks, and expect to attract people like moths attracted to a flame. Saturn retrograde brings issues and emotions related to intimacy, money, and change to the forefront. The Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights work, health, and service. At the New Moon, set intentions for personal development; by nurturing them, you'll emerge a whole new person in no time. Finally, Neptune retrograde shows you the real side of spirituality.
For you, June shines a spotlight on friends, goals, and rest. While the first half of the month is all about socializing, the second half will require that you power down and start getting ready for your season. Saturn retrograde highlights lessons from relationships and commitments. The Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your need for fun, romance, and self-expression. At the New Moon, tap into your spiritual body via meditation and prayer, and get plenty of rest. Finally, Neptune retrograde reveals the truth about intimacy, death, and rebirth.
Your career, reputation, associations, and goals are thrust into the spotlight this month. The key to getting ahead lies in your relationships and communicating what you need effectively. Saturn retrograde has you reviewing the service you provide to others and the state of your health. The Full Moon in Sagittarius will illuminate matters and emotions at home and with family. At the New Moon, set out to form the right friendships and associations; they may help you achieve those life-long dreams. Finally, Neptune retrograde revisits relationships and commitments in a very real way.
The month begins with a focus on new adventures and relationships that broaden your horizons. That focus will shift toward your career, reputation, and public life by Cancer season. Saturn retrograde may test you to see if you genuinely are courageous enough to follow your heart. The Full Moon in Sagittarius may be busy for you, with activities in your immediate environment ramping up. At the New Moon, planting and nurturing seeds related to your career will result in upward mobility at work and in business. Finally, Neptune retrograde shows you the reality of your job and your health.
June begins with a focus on changing your life, learning about mysterious topics, and finding intimacy in your closest relationships. Midmonth, that focus shifts towards broadening your horizons and expanding your mind. Saturn retrograde brings lessons related to family and your basic emotional needs back to the surface. The Full Moon in Sagittarius highlights money matters and how you can expand your bottom line. At the New Moon, expand your knowledge by being more adventurous. Finally, Neptune retrograde helps you take off the rose-colored glasses and see your love life for what it really is.
Relationships and intimacy are the focus this month. The keys to success in these areas of life are effective communication and a willingness to learn. Saturn retrograde will test your knowledge; do you truly know what you think you know? The Full Moon in your sign highlights you, your attitude, and your outlook on life. At the New Moon, plant seeds of resources and intimacy; you never know who will help you water them. Finally, Neptune retrograde shows you the real side of your family.
June is all about work, being of service, your health, and your commitments. There's a strong focus on your interactions with those you serve and your contractual obligations. Saturn retrograde brings lessons concerning money and values back around; hopefully, you learned your lesson the first time. The Full Moon in Sagittarius may stir up your deepest emotional wounds; spend time in quiet reflection and process. At the New Moon, set your sights and intentions on new commitments. Finally, Neptune retrograde shows you how things really are in your immediate environment.
This month, it's time to have fun, express yourself, and be of service to others. Health matters may also come into focus, shedding light on your relationship with your body. Saturn retrograde directs your focus inward to your frame of mind and attitude; anything you failed to learn the first time will come back up for review. The Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates friendships and goals. At the New Moon, plant seeds of good health and productivity. Finally, Neptune retrograde reveals your true nature regarding money and the things you value.
June begins with a focus on home and your private life; your familial relationships, and the communications within them, are center stage. Midmonth, the focus shifts toward having fun and following your heart. Saturn retrograde allows you to revisit lessons around spirituality and your soul's purpose. The Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates your career, reputation, and public life. At the New Moon, plant seeds that can give birth to your most authentic self or children. Finally, Neptune retrograde allows you to see yourself in a new light.