April 2022 Monthly Horoscopes

Holy Shift!
Buckle up, buttercup, because April is all about energy shifts.
This month ushers in eclipse and retrograde season. Not to mention, we've got three planets changing signs. The keyword this month is "movement."
Let's look at what April has in store.
The Breakdown
- New Moon in Aries - Apr. 1st
- Venus moves into Pisces - Apr. 5th
- Mercury moves into Taurus - Apr. 10th
- Mars moves into Pisces - Apr. 14th
- Full Moon in Libra - Apr. 16th
- Sun moves into Taurus - Apr. 19th
- Pluto goes retrograde - Apr. 29th
- Mercury moves into Gemini - Apr. 29th
- New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus - Apr. 30th
What better way to begin a new month than with a New Moon? The New Moon in Aries, happening on April 1st, gives us the kick in the ass many of us need to start new and exciting things. With Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces going on simultaneously, we'll be able to see the big picture, allowing us to keep going well after our initial drive to begin has ended.
On April 5th, Venus will move into Pisces where she's exalted and treated like the queen she is. This transit allows us to feel love on a grander scale. Love for humanity, charitable acts, philanthropy and equality for all are themes for this beautiful transit.
Mercury moves into Taurus on April 10th, which means our thoughts and communications will become more practical, down-to-earth, and realistic. This transit is conducive to being stubborn, hard-headed, narrow-minded, or conservative in your thinking. It's not all bad, though. This transit also fosters conversations centered around building solid foundations, amassing assets, and things that we value.
On April 14th, Mars will join its counterpart Venus in Pisces. This transit is marked by a motivation to pursue spiritual and emotional endeavors. What's absolutely lovely about this one is that we are more inclined to put the needs of others ahead of our own. Together with Venus, this transit fosters peace, which the world so desperately needs at this time.
Next up, we have the Full Moon in Libra on April 16th. The theme is short and sweet: relationships. Specifically, this Moon will highlight any imbalances in our significant relationships. With a focus on "me" vs. "we", this Moon affords us the opportunity to create new structures for our relationships so they're built to last.
On April 19th, Taurus season officially begins when the Sun transits into this down-to-earth and dependable sign. Our focus will be directed toward our five senses, material things, and work. Feeling stable and secure are characteristics of this sign and will likely be at the forefront of our thoughts for the next month.
Pluto, the planet of profound transformation, goes retrograde on April 29th. Retrograde = reflect (among other "re" words), which means that we may be revisiting certain deeply seated emotions from our past. From now until October, we'll all have the opportunity for some deep soul-searching.
That same day, Mercury moves into its home sign of Gemini. At this time, expect your mental activities to be on fire, your curiosity to be at an all-time high, and your phone to be blowing up. This transit is great for learning a new technical skill or doing research. Keep in mind, though, that with the Sun currently in Taurus, you'll likely want to stick to what you know and be very stubborn about it.
Finally, we end the month on a high note with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. Eclipses are the Universe's way of rearranging things in our lives and New Moon solar eclipses add the necessary people, places, and things we need to have a successful future. This particular eclipse will bring rapid changes concerning the things we value and work toward. Think of it this way...the eclipse put give us all the tools so we can literally build the life of our dreams.
Horoscopes by Sign
Happy Birthday, Aries!
It's still your season, well, at least until April 19th, so live it up! With an emphasis on your 1st and 2nd houses this month, you will be focusing on yourself, your body, money, assets, and things that you value. With the New Moon also in your sign, maybe it's time for a complete makeover - inside and out. The Full Moon illuminates your most important relationships; remember that balance is key. Spirituality is definitely a thing for you this month, so make time for prayer and/or meditation. Finally, the eclipse will give you all the tools you need to secure the bag.
Happy Birthday, Taurus!
The month begins on a quiet note, as the Sun will be lighting up your 12th house of Aries. This is the time for you to rest, recharge your batteries, reflect on the past year, and think towards the future. On the 19th, it's officially your season and your personal new year. Sit the New Moon out, as things will be handled on your behalf behind the scenes. The Full Moon illuminates your work relationships and your health; get things back on track. Dream big this month, as you'll be able to see the bigger picture. Finally, everything you need to be your best self will be handed to you, thanks to the Universe.
April starts on a social note as your 11th house of friends and ambition is lit. Being your normal Gemini self is key during this time. When the Sun transits into Taurus, it will be time to power down, recharge your batteries, and get ready for your season. Dream big and wish upon a star at the New Moon in Aries. The Full Moon in Libra will highlight your need for more fun or for balance in your romantic life. Finally, the eclipse will be rearranging everything for you behind the scenes; have faith and get some rest.
For you, the month begins with a focus on your career and public life. Start that business or go for that promotion, especially at the New Moon in Aries. For some, a career change is on the books. By Taurus season, it will be time for you to branch out, network, and work on those life-long goals. Home is where the heart is at the Full Moon in Libra. Your relationships with your parents will likely be highlighted. The eclipse will bring the right friends, associates, and ideas to create the future you've always dreamed.
Expand your mind and broaden your horizons during Aries season. It's time to go on a new adventure or travel to an exotic location. At the New Moon in Aries, set intentions related to your spirituality, faith, or a legal situation. The Full Moon in Libra will find you quite busy; lots of communication with those around you and ideas flowing. Keep your eyes open to what's going on in your neighborhood. Taurus season is all about your career, and the solar eclipse will hit this sector with a bang! Whatever you need to get ahead will be provided to you.
Intimacy is the name of the game during Aries season. You'll feel driven to take your most important relationships to the next level. If you're looking for funding for any type of endeavor, plant those seeds at the New Moon. Speaking of funding, money matters come front and center at the Full Moon in Libra. Consider where your relationship to money, the things you value, or your self-worth are imbalanced. Taurus season and the solar eclipse will have a great impact on your spiritual journey; be receptive and open-minded.
Relationships are the focus for Aries season, specifically starting new ones that are commitment-oriented. At the New Moon, plant seeds that will grow and blossom into healthy partnerships. Come Taurus season, it will be time to take those relationships to the next level; merging and finding stability will be the focus then. The Full Moon will put a spotlight on you, your body, attitude and thoughts; maybe it's time to give yourself more TLC. The eclipse may bring the financial assistance you need to take that project further.
Your work and health matters are the focus during Aries season. Specifically, the drive and ambition to get more efficient and healthier. Use the energy of the New Moon to put a new system at work in place, get a new job, or start a new health regimen. At the Full Moon, you'll want to get plenty of rest, as your dream state will have much to show you. Taurus season finds you focusing on relationships. Finally, the solar eclipse will usher in meaningful relationships, or a higher level of commitment, so you can have the future of your dreams.
Aries season brings fun, entertainment, romance, play, and light-hearted energy. The New Moon allows you to express yourself in ways you haven't before. Don't be afraid to create something from your heart and out of love. Taurus season is all about being of service and addressing any health issues. The Full Moon in Libra illuminates your friendships, associations, and goals. Balance will be a major theme. Finally, the solar eclipse will provide you with the information, resources, and people to get you efficient, healthy, and living your best life.
Home is where the heart is during Aries season. Start something new at home or with family. Use the energy of the New Moon to set the wheels in motion to change residences, purchase property, or start a home improvement project. The Full Moon in Libra illuminates your career and public life. Balancing your work and home lives will be key. Taurus season is all about having a bit of fun and expressing yourself. At the solar eclipse, the Universe will bestow you with everything you need to be your most authentic self, and have fun in the process.
Aries season finds you quite busy. Not only are your mental activities on fire, but there may be lots going on around you. The New Moon is the perfect opportunity to plant seeds related to business transactions, learning a new skill, or research. The Full Moon in Libra highlights a legal matter, foreign affair, or spiritual happening. Balance what you know with what you believe. Come Taurus season, the focus will be on home and family and the solar eclipse will get your private life moving in the right direction.
Aries season shines a spotlight on money matters, specifically, finding new income streams or amassing new assets. Use the energy of the New Moon to plant seeds that will grow into a money tree. The Full Moon in Libra highlights sex, intimacy, and shared resources. Find balance between the superficial and the substantial. Taurus season brings a focus to siblings, neighbors, and your immediate environment. Keep your eyes open, as the solar eclipse will bring things to you that have been right under your nose the whole time.