September 2021 New Moon in Virgo: What to Expect

Effortless new beginnings.
New Moons mark a time of new beginnings; it's the start of the lunar cycle when seeds are planted, and intentions are set.
The Virgo New Moon on September 6th will allow us to set new habits and routines that can lead to a successful future. Not only that, with the major planets forming harmonious trines on that day, we'll experience some positive energy without having to put in much effort.
Virgo is known for its perfectionism, attention to detail, and ritualistic behavior; this sign is concerned with the practicality of life.
When the Moon meets up with the Sun in this down-to-earth sign, we'll be able to tap into our logical minds and our intuition. This is important given the astrology of this New Moon.
The Astrology
Astrologically speaking, New Moons are when the Sun and Moon are conjunct, meaning that the Sun and Moon occupy the same space in the sky.
When this happens, the energies of both luminaries mix together. The Sun represents our ego and conscious mind, and the Moon represents our emotions and our subconscious. During the New Moon phase, we typically experience a time of complete awareness of our entire selves, both inside and out.
The Sun and Moon will form a trine to Uranus, making this New Moon very futuristic. When setting intentions, look towards the future. Additionally, by adding new and unique elements to our daily routines, we can create a future that is stable, practical, and full of value.
A few pleasant surprises may pop up during this New Moon as well.
That same day, Mars will form a trine to Pluto, and Venus will trine Jupiter. Trines are one of the best astrological aspects, as it denotes harmony, positivity, and ease.
Mars and Pluto will allow us to experience profound transformation in a dynamic and lasting way. Whatever happens around the New Moon will likely be exciting, bold, and affect our stability or status. No need to fear, though, as this will undoubtedly be a good thing!
Venus and Jupiter will bring tons of positive energy and abundance, especially with Venus still in its home sign of Libra. Expect to receive opportunities (advantageous for all parties involved), luck, and good fortune. Look out for these things in your inbox, DM, or via text message.
Needless to say, you'll want to do the most when it comes to planting seeds for this New Moon; the astrology definitely supports it!
New Moon for the Signs
This New Moon allows you to get organized and efficient, especially when it comes to your daily tasks. Our ritualistic behavior directly correlates to our future, so some tweaks here and there to your routine can set you up lovely.
Allow this New Moon to help you birth your heart's truest desires. If you've been meaning to start dating, having more romance in your life, or create something beautiful - including children - now would definitely be the time.
Use the energy of the New Moon to set things straight at home. Start any new home improvement projects, clean and organize your space, give everyone their list of weekly chores, and make your home run like a well-oiled machine.
For the next two weeks, consider taking a short trip; this change-up will breathe some life into your routine. Along the way, a fortuitous encounter could be life-altering. Begin a neighborhood or community project; being of service will enrich your life tremendously.
Set intentions related to money matters during this New Moon. Now's the time to get organized and get your affairs in order. Creating a financial plan or goal, and being detail-oriented about how to achieve it, will set you on the path to prosperity.
This New Moon is all about YOU! Spend some alone time to think about the future and how you want it to look. Speaking of looks, you may want to change them up at this time; get a haircut, buy some new clothes. With Uranus in the mix, deviating from the norm will do you some good.
You'll want to focus on resting and recharging during this New Moon. Quiet reflection and meditation are the orders of the day. Don't worry about doing; focus on being. You'll have plenty of opportunities for action come Libra season later this month. For now, sleep, dream, and relax.
This New Moon is urging you to forge new friendships and associations. Not only that, you'll want to take pen to paper and map out your future. Allow yourself to dream big, but don't skimp on the details. Remember, the littlest changes can make the biggest impact.
Set intentions related to your career and public life. Now's the time to open that business or put yourself and your skills out there for the world to recognize. Make being visible a part of your everyday routine, and watch how your popularity and pockets start expanding.
Commit yourself to expand your mind and broaden your horizons. Use the energy of the New Moon to plan a trip to an exotic locale. Sign up for that course or go back to school. If you need the law on your side, commence that legal proceeding. Whatever you do, do it big.
Take the time to set financial plans and goals, especially with your partner. Even if you are flying solo, now's the time to handle your business regarding taxes, insurance policies, and the like. Intimacy and sex are on the horizon; it may be time to take that relationship to the next level.
It's time to commit, not just to a partner, but to the things that are important to you. Take the first step and keep your eyes on the prize. You don't have to make a grand gesture; it's the littlest thing that can mean the most. Say yes.