January 2022 Monthly Horoscopes

Relationship Revamps.
Happy (Gregorian) New Year!!!
It's a new year, month, week, and day...but this month, we'll be revisiting many old things, namely relationships.
We begin the year with some retrograde energy; Venus retrograde in Capricorn, to be exact. For 40 days and 40 nights, we'll be revisiting past relationships or past relationship issues.
Venus isn't the only planet bringing up the past this month. The fan-favorite, Mercury retrograde, will make an appearance as well.
Luckily, this month isn't all about looking in the rearview mirror. Midmonth, Uranus will go direct and catapult us into the future in a significant way.
This month is about getting your mind and money right to set you up for a successful year ahead.
The Breakdown
- New Moon in Capricorn - Jan. 2nd
- Mercury moves into Aquarius - Jan. 2nd
- Mercury goes retrograde - Jan. 14th
- Full Moon in Cancer - Jan. 17th
- Uranus goes direct - Jan. 18th
- Sun moves into Aquarius - Jan. 19th
- Mars moves into Capricorn - Jan. 24th
- Mercury moves into Capricorn - Jan. 25th
- Venus goes direct - Jan. 29th
The month begins with a powerful and fortuitous New Moon in Capricorn on Jan. 2nd. With a harmonious trine to Uranus, this New Moon will give us the energy to erect new and beneficial structures in our lives. Don't be surprised if you get a flash of insight or a pleasant surprise.
That same day, Mercury, the planet of communication and ideas, will make its way into Aquarius. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, which means its energy is extra powerful. Futuristic thinking and linking up with like-minded people are characteristics of this transit.
On Jan. 14th, Mercury will go retrograde in Aquarius. It will be time to plan, strategize, and reflect on what you want your future to look and feel like for the next few weeks.
On Jan. 17th, the Full Moon in Cancer will have us all in our feelings. This Moon will not only be highly emotional but will be transformative as well.
Uranus, the planet of rebellion and surprise, stations direct on Jan. 18th. With this change of direction, Uranus will now allow us to break barriers and venture out of our comfort zones.
On Jan. 19th, Aquarius season officially begins. This season is marked by lots of thinking, communicating, and linking up with friends. Over the next couple of weeks, socialize and share your ideas.
Expect to be revved up and motivated to start new projects and kick your career into high gear when Mars enters Capricorn on Jan. 24th.
On Jan. 25th, Mercury back peddles into Capricorn, which allows us to rethink and reevaluate our careers, reputation, social standing, and life in general.
Finally, the month ends with Venus going direct in Capricorn on Jan. 29th. All that reevaluation and revisiting we've been doing concerning love and money can now be put to good use...and just in time for Valentine's Day!
Horoscopes by Sign
Your career sector is on fire this month. First, reevaluate key work relationships; Venus retrograde helps you forge new alliances. Second, use the energy of the New Moon to build a new career foundation. Third, by month's end, you'll have the energy to put in some extra work to get to the top. The Full Moon in Cancer highlights things on the homefront. Expect emotions to run high.
This month is all about expanding your mind and renewing your faith. Issues of fairness and equality may come up. Your relationship with teachers, spiritual leaders, and people with different viewpoints will also come into focus. Use the energy of Mars to go back to school or begin a legal proceeding. The Full Moon will find you pretty busy; try not to let the things around you run your emotions.
January is all about profound transformation. Take the time to reevaluate your most intimate relationships; things may turn around for the better. The Full Moon in Cancer will highlight issues related to money and assets; allow your intuition to guide you. Aquarius season will require you to open your mind and be adventurous. By month's end, you may find that you rise like the phoenix from the ashes.
Your relationships and commitments are lit this month, especially with Venus retrograde in your 7th house. Revising partnership issues will help transform your love life for the better. Now is the time for reflection as opposed to action. Once Mars moves into this sector, you can blaze a new trail. Around the 17th, you may uncover something about yourself that you've overlooked; use it to your advantage.
Work and health matters are a priority this month. Venus retrograde allows you to restore equality and equilibrium. Think of ways to be more efficient in your work and in your relationships with coworkers and clients. By month's end, you'll feel motivated and amped to start new projects or get your health in order. The Full Moon in Cancer will be a time for rest, relaxation, and recharging.
For you, January is full of light-hearted energy and romance. With Venus retrograde in your 5th house, you may hear from some past romantic partners; maybe it's time to rekindle some old flames. Aquarius season brings a focus on work and health, and with Mercury going retrograde in this part of your life, expect to revisit some of those themes. The Full Moon highlights friendships; your intuition will be lit.
Home is where the heart is this month, and Venus retrograde will have you reflecting on your closest relationships. Things are changing on the homefront, and now's the time to figure out what's most important. By month's end, you can relax and have a bit of fun. Around the 17th, your career and reputation will be lit; allow your intuition to guide you.
January may be quite a busy month for you, as your 3rd house of communication and ideas will be lit. Pay attention to what's happening around you, particularly in your neighborhood. Venus retrograde will have you re-evaluating your relationships with neighbors and community members. When the Sun moves into Aquarius, it will be time to settle down at home. The Full Moon will open your mind and possibly renew your faith.
This month highlights your money and assets in a significant way. It's time to get things in order and map out a plan to reach those financial goals. When Mars enters Capricorn, you'll get a much-needed boost of energy to make things happen. Venus retrograde will get you thinking about what's really important and valuable in your everyday life. The Full Moon in Cancer highlights the hidden and mysterious.
HBD!!!! January is all about YOU, as your first house of self is lit for most of the month. Bask in the attention that you're sure to receive - thanks to Venus in your 1st house. Even while retrograde, Venus will assist in making you magnetic. By the 19th, your focus will shift to money matters...your favorite! When Mars enters your sign, expect to feel energized and motivated. Relationships are a highlight mid-month at the Full Moon in Cancer.
HBD Aquarius!!! The month begins on a quiet note, as you'll have several planets in your 12th house of rest and solitude. During Capricorn season, it's imperative that you recharge and review all that's happened over the past year. Come the 19th, it's your time to shine when the Sun moves into your sign. Venus and Mercury retrograde give you a blast from the past before you set off into the future. Work and health come into focus mid-month.
Capricorn season may find you out and about, socializing with friends, and getting together with your tribe. Venus retrograde will have you reevaluating these associations to see who stays and who goes. Come Aquarius season, it will be time for you to power down, rest, and recharge. Thanks to Mercury retrograde, you'll have the opportunity to review the past and remember what's important. Allow the Full Moon in Cancer to illuminate your creativity.