December 2021 Monthly Horoscopes

When one door closes, another opens.
Happy December!
It's unbelievable that we're in the homestretch of 2021. Not only has this year flown by, but it's been nothing short of interesting, to say the least.
It is no surprise that we end the year right in the middle of eclipse season, and the Universe wants to make sure that we definitely end this year with a BANG! Last month we experienced a partial Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus, and this month we follow it up with a total New Moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius.
The end of 2021 is all about cleaning house; some doors will close, and others will bust right open. Either way, these energy shifts are ultimately for our highest good.
The Breakdown
- Neptune goes direct - Dec. 1st
- New Moon Solar Eclipse, 12° Sagittarius - Dec. 4th
- Mercury moves into Capricorn - Dec. 13th
- Mars moves into Sagittarius - Dec. 13th
- Full Moon in Gemini - Dec. 18th
- Venus goes retrograde - Dec. 19th
- Sun moves into Capricorn - Dec. 21st
- Jupiter moves into Pisces - Dec. 28th
As you can see, there's a lot of movement this month. Four planets are changing signs, two planets are changing directions, and there's an eclipse. Needless to say, a lot is going on this month.
We start things off with Neptune going direct in Pisces, after having been retrograde since Jun. 25th. For the last five months, we've been experiencing the realness and ugliness of life. The rose-colored glasses came off, and we saw things for what they really are, and it's safe to say that we didn't like it so much.
Now that Neptune will be going direct, we can go back to being hopeful, optimistic as our ability to see and appreciate the beauty of life will be restored. Creativity, compassion, and love can reign again.
Next up is the New Moon solar eclipse, happening on Dec. 4th. Solar eclipses are like New Moons on steroids, which means that it's a time of new beginnings, in a significant and fated sort of way. Happening at 12°, this eclipse is sort of like an ending, and a new beginning wrapped up in one.
This eclipse is the culmination of the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle which began in May 2020. Everything we've learned and experienced since that time will undoubtedly help us move forward into the new Taurus-Scorpio cycle.
On Dec. 13th, Mercury moves into Capricorn, and communication gets serious. This energy is perfect for the end of the year because it allows us to be disciplined, realistic, practical, and work-oriented. If there are any loose ends you need to tie up concerning work or your career, allow Mercury in Capricorn to assist you.
That same day, fiery Mars moves into Sagittarius, and we'll all feel motivated to act according to our ideals and beliefs. Expect to feel driven to experience new things, go on adventures, travel to far-off places, and expand your mind.
The Full Moon in Gemini, on Dec. 18th, will illuminate our thoughts and interactions with others. An idea you may have had back in June, at the New Moon in Gemini, may now be coming to fruition.
Venus will station retrograde on Dec. 19th in the sign of Capricorn. When Venus goes retrograde, everything we think and feel about money, love, relationships, and values come up for review. We direct this energy inward instead of seeking it outside of ourselves. With Venus in Capricorn, our internal review of all things Venusian takes on a practical and down-to-earth approach.
On Dec. 21st, Capricorn season begins with the Sun moving into this practical and serious sign. As a collective, our focus will shift to work, discipline, practical matters, status, and material things.
Finally, we close out the month and year with Jupiter moving into its home sign of Pisces on Dec. 28th. Jupiterian energy is all about expansion and growth. In the sign of Pisces, we expand our awareness of spirituality, compassion, and love - on the highest level - for humanity.
This transit allows us to understand and feel compassion for others and have faith in the unseen. While we may be very open to others and their feelings, it is also vital for us to take extra space for ourselves to rest and recharge.
Horoscopes by Sign
For you, December is all about staying flexible and rolling with the punches. The solar eclipse gives you a fresh start concerning a legal situation, foreign business, or higher education. Capricorn season brings a focus to career and public life. Your spirituality may grow and expand; don't be scared, just go with it. Faith in the unseen may be just what you need going into 2022. The Full Moon in Gemini will have you busy as a bee. A quick weekend trip may be in order at that time.
Being stable and grounded is the theme for you this December, which I'm sure suits you just fine. The solar eclipse may shake things up slightly; expect repressed emotions to surface. Come Capricorn season, you may need to travel for work or expand your operations. This month is excellent for thinking ahead; plan out the future with an optimistic attitude. Money matters come to the surface at the Full Moon in Gemini; a new income stream may surface.
This month, be bold, take action, and create new opportunities for yourself. Relationships and commitments get a reset with the New Moon solar eclipse, but first, there's some cleaning up to do. Capricorn season promises intimacy, vulnerability, and union. Dream big when it comes to your career and public life; have faith and watch your abundance grow. The Full Moon in Gemini illuminates a latent skill that can help your personal development; pay attention to what surfaces.
Stay flexible this month, Cancer. Work gets a reset during Sagittarius season, especially during the New Moon solar eclipse. A new door is opening for you; embrace the change. Capricorn season will be all about your partnerships and commitments. Things may be in flux, but when the dust settles, what's left is here to stay. Think big and have faith again; it may be time to tap into your spiritual side. Speaking of spirituality, the Full Moon in Gemini will highlight your relationship with the divine; be receptive.
Stability and security are of the utmost importance this month. Romance, dating, and your relationship with children are on the menu for the New Moon solar eclipse. A new chapter awaits. Capricorn season finds you focusing on work and health matters. Find a routine that works and stick to it. Things will get very emotional with Jupiter and Neptune direct in Pisces; do your best to stay grounded. The Full Moon in Gemini signifies a dream coming true or an issue with a friend; either way, you'll be on the right track.
Live large, take charge, and seize new opportunities this month. Thanks to the New Moon solar eclipse, your home life, and domestic affairs, get a clean slate in the coming months. Capricorn season allows you to enjoy the lighter side of life; have fun, and follow your heart. Make romance great again; let Jupiter and Neptune help you in that department. Don't be afraid to open your heart. Career and public life are under the spotlight with the Full Moon in Gemini. Whatever comes up will help you along your journey.
The only thing constant is change, and this month you'll need to be adaptable. Sagittarius season finds you quite the busy bee. The solar eclipse will reset your way of thinking, as well as how you communicate with others. Capricorn season finds you being private and spending time with family; perfect for the holidays. Your everyday life and responsibilities may get more exciting with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Finally, the Full Moon in Gemini highlights a legal matter, higher education, or the need to broaden your horizons.
Stay the course this month, Scorpio; keep doing what you're doing. Money matters take precedence during Sagittarius season, and the solar eclipse will breathe some much-needed new life into your finances. The holidays will likely find you multitasking and doing some serious socializing. As far as dating is concerned, put on your rose-colored glasses and put yourself out there; Jupiter and Neptune will give you a push. The Full Moon in Gemini will bring some deeply-seated emotions to the surface; process and release.
It's still your season, Sag, and this month you'll have the opportunity to transform into a completely new you. Allow the Universe to give you a reset and a rebirth. Once Capricorn season rolls around, it's time to make money moves. Be open to new projects that can increase your bottom line. Things at home become idyllic and loving with Jupiter and Neptune direct in Pisces. The Gemini Full Moon will illuminate your relationship sector; use whatever comes up to take things in a different direction.
Happy Birthday, Capricorn! The first part of the month starts out a bit slow. That's by design to get you ready and charged for your season. The solar eclipse helps birth a new you from the inside out. Come the 21st, it's all about YOU! Spend your season getting everything your heart desires. Not only does business ramp up this month, but it expands; expect to be super busy. The Full Moon in Gemini highlights work and health matters; just roll with the punches, and you'll be fine.
This month, keep doing what you're doing and stay grounded. Sagittarius season finds you socializing and communing with your tribe. The solar eclipse will allow you to blaze a new trail and break through some barriers to your goals and ambitions. Capricorn season demands that you wind down, rest, and recharge; you'll need all your strength for your season next month. Allow the Full Moon in Gemini to show you just how far your creative endeavors (including your kids) have come.
New and exciting things await, Pisces, so be receptive to blazing a new trail. The month begins with a focus on career and public life. Thanks to the solar eclipse, a new door will open in that sector of your life. Capricorn season has you not only being social but wishing upon a star. Take a practical approach to associations and goals. Expand your mind and be optimistic about life; Jupiter and Neptune direct will help you. Finally, the Gemini Full Moon illuminates matters at home; use the information to try a new approach to an old issue.
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