Why the Final Mercury Retrograde of 2021 Will Be Lit

This Mercury retrograde is actually good.
Mercury is set to go retrograde in the sign of Libra on September 27th and will remain retrograde until October 18th.
I know, I know...as soon as you hear "Mercury Retrograde," you cringe and feel like hiding. But surprisingly, this particular Mercury retrograde has some good stuff in store for us.
It's all going down in the sign of Libra, which means that relationships of all types are coming up for review. While this retrograde may not bring your ex back, it may help you establish boundaries and balance within your most important relationships.
Before we get into the juicy details, let's get clear on what retrograde is.
What Does Retrograde Even Mean?
When a planet stations retrograde, it moves so slowly that it appears to be moving backward from our vantage point here on Earth.
When a planet is retrograde, the energy of that planet can be described as being inwardly directed, reversed, or recalled. It's as if that planet is sleeping and therefore cannot give its full attention and energy to the matters at hand that it governs.
Mercury governs communication, thoughts, short-distance travel, siblings, contracts, agreements, and transactions. When Mercury is retrograde, all of these things experience delays, slip-ups, accidents, and irregularities.
No matter the astrology during Mercury retrograde, you can expect issues with electronics, delays with public transportation, misunderstandings, and oversights.
However, there is a silver lining. Retrograde is a time of reflection, and it allows you to revisit certain things and fine-tune them. In doing so, you can set yourself up to be in an advantageous position once Mercury stations direct.
The Astrology
On September 27th, Mercury will make a harmonious trine to Jupiter in Aquarius and an intense square to Pluto in Capricorn. Additionally, Jupiter will make a semisextile to Pluto.
When Mercury trines Jupiter, we can expect positivity, generosity, and good luck. With Mercury being retrograde, expect people from the past to be the bearers of good news, and communications are likely to be positive and fortuitous.
Mercury square Pluto is intense, but not necessarily in a bad way. This transit brings deep thinking and intense interactions with others. As such, expect these communications and thoughts from the past to be anything but superficial. Even if they aren't entirely positive, these interactions will illuminate the truth, which benefits everyone involved.
Finally, Jupiter semisextile Pluto acts as the bridge between the positivity of Mercury trine Jupiter and the intensity and darkness of Mercury square Pluto. This transit will give us all a boost of personal and spiritual growth, power, influence, and professional advancement.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Libra concerns itself with relationships of all kinds. How we relate to others and how we see ourselves in those relationships is the focus of this Mercury retrograde.
Expect miscommunications and misunderstandings. It's essential to have patience and compassion at this time because we're all trying to be heard and understood, even if we aren't going about it in the best way.
Issues you've faced in relationships - whether that be lack of boundaries, codependency, or lack of self-love - will come back up. Remember that these issues may not come up with the relevant person but with anyone who triggers these things within you.
These next few weeks are about establishing balance in your relationships by giving you a glimpse into the past. Mercury retrograde allows you to reevaluate current relationships, reflect on past relationships, redo specific actions, and reestablish balance.
Mercury Retrograde for the Signs
For you, this retrograde brings your relationships and commitments center stage. Expect communications from an ex-partner (business or personal), but it definitely won't be as bad as you are anticipating. They may just shed light on how far you've come and how much you've grown.
Past clients, customers, and coworkers will resurface over the next few weeks. Previous job opportunities may come back around, and this time, the deal might be even better. This retrograde will show you how timing is everything and that the time is now.
Previous romantic partners, dates, and flings may find their way back to you. With the intensity that Pluto brings to this retrograde, I doubt you'll be in the mood to play games with these people. Reflect on why they never made it past the friend zone and keep it moving.
Family relationships come into focus during this retrograde. Emotional issues from the past may also resurface. It's important to remember that balance is key when it comes to having your emotional needs met. Expect good news from a family member that may come in the form of a deep conversation.
Make sure you double or even triple-check everything you plan on sending out; communication and technology will be acting up for sure. Apart from that, past conversations between you and your siblings or neighbors may resurface to show you how things have improved.
If you're owed money, expect it to finally be repaid. Business transactions from the past may come back around, and this time dealings are much-improved. This Mercury retrograde, you may want to revisit a purchase you had previously put off.
Use the next few weeks to revisit some of the thoughts you've had about self-improvement. Reflect on yourself and your future, especially since it's your season. Expect some good news and even good fortune to find you; what may have been lost or derailed is now on its way back.
This Mercury retrograde will be all about quiet time, reflection, and reevaluation of your life. It will undoubtedly be intense, but you'll be better prepared for your season once Mercury stations direct next month. Your spirit team is working hard on your behalf behind the scenes; expect unexpected blessings.
Old friends and acquaintances may pop back up; it will serve you well to have those intense and difficult conversations that perhaps you've avoided in the past. If your friendships are on the right track, expect good news that will put a smile on everyone's face.
Business and career opportunities from the past may come back around, and this time they'll be better than ever. Relationships with superiors, fans, and followers will get intense, but it's ultimately for the best. Take the next few weeks to reevaluate your career path; come October 18th, it will be time to execute.
Relationships from afar may be up for review during this Mercury retrograde. Whether it's business dealings, a teacher/student situation, or a legal proceeding, expect the best possible outcome. There's a lot for you to learn over the next couple of weeks if you take the time to reflect.
Intimate relationships come into focus this Mercury retrograde. Have these relationships been balanced, or are things one-sided? Expect good news from or concerning a partner regarding resources and finances. Take the time to air out your grievances, and everyone wins.